Ferries to Elba
Wer auf die Insel Elba reisen m�chte, nutzt in der Regel ab dem toscanischen Hafenort Piombino ein F�hrschiff. Die aktuellen Fahrzeiten und Tarife der F�hrgesellschaften Moby Lines und Toremar helfen bei der Reiseplanung.
The Toremar ferry company has been transporting passengers from the mainland port of Piombino to port Portoferraio on Elba, for decades. In addition to a car ferry, Toremar also has a faster hovercraft. more
Moby Lines
The shipping company Moby Lines connects the Tuscan mainland with Elba multiple times daily. The ferries take roughly 60 minutes from Piombino, across the Tyrrhenian Sea. more
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