Holidaying in Tuscany
A few hours separate you from a region full of charm and beauty. Tuscan specialities and wine, a swim in the ocean, or a cappuccino in an historic square, all promise even more enjoyment.
Weather and times to visit
Anyone who talks about Tuscany, has a year-round weather format in mind: tepid winter, mild spring and autumn and a hot, dry summer. This is always the case, when the grand scheme of things isn't changed. more
Getting there by car, train or plane
Many Tuscan holidaymakers still travel by car over the Alps to their destination. Anyone wanting to primarily visit the art metropolises should consider a more relaxed trip by train or plane. more
Getting around in Tuscany
Tuscany offers plenty of interesting excursions, art treasures and fascinating regions to be discovered. If you are interested in culture, people and nature, then you have plenty of choices. more
Travel information
Our travel information provides you with important telephone numbers for emergencies or to block your credit cards. Our A to Z of travel information will tell you everything you need to know. more
Accommodation for your dream holiday
The choice is yours, the selection of accommodation is as diverse as Tuscany itself. Everything from the most luxurious villas, castles and idyllic holiday homes in the country to bed & breakfasts and youth hostels can all be found here. more
Tips and recommendations
Choose your holiday destination carefully. Every region of this wonderful area of central Italy has its own cultural and geographical special qualities and promises a different type of rest and relaxation. more
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